a. You tell us what kind of batteries or battery packs you need, we shall give you the specifications sheets and arrange the samples(in most case, free) for you accordingly; b. Tell us the your expected price, we negotiate with the suppliers or factories; c. After the samples proved satisfactory, we give you all the information on the supplier and tell you the reason why we choose them, all of them should be serious companies or factories; d. You buy directly from the suppliers or battery factories, and they should give you all the quality guarantee document and the original battery data sheets; e. we charge you no service fee, only we need to sign an agreement, that you should bug the batteries through us for two years. f. To remove your purchase risks completely, you can not only get quality guarantee from factories, but also you can have a quality guarantee by signing a contract with Dr. Land Mark in USA, in case the batteries failed the data sheet and the factories refuse to hold responsibility, in that case, Dr. Land Mark will compensate you according the contract; And for this service, you need to pay 5% of the total battery’s value as service; g. You only has to pay Dr. Lund service in the first years, no need to pay in the second year or years that after; h. How we make profit? In the fist year, we don’t make any profit, but in the second year, when we have a lot of customers with big orders, so as to form a 'group purchase' or 'whole purchase', them factories can greatly lower the production cost, then we can have profit from the save cost, becoming a win-win business. i. However, if the volue of a PO is less than US$3, 000, we would charge 15% as service fee in the first year, and free in the second year.