• +86 15528217589
  • jimmy@gmbattery.net
  • China

Pigtek Ltd / Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment--benefit

The Pigtek Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment is a fully portable system and is an ideal complement to our Above Ground Magnetic Pig Tracking Equipment and Electronic Pig Monitoring Equipment.

Pipeline pig tracking is a valuable aid, if not a critical component of many pigging operations.


● 3.6V Li/SOCI2 Battery

●1/2AA Middle C-Rate Type hi-temperature ER battery

Key Features

● stable high operating voltage and high capacitance

● high energy density, high stable current

● wide operating temperature rages (-30°C~+150°C)

● low self-discharge rate (annual self-discharge rate is less than 3% at +25°C)

● excellent environmental application characteristics

● stainless steel case (low magnetic resistance to environmental erosion)

Pipeline inspection gauges (PIG)

Extend Knownledges