• +86 15528217589
  • jimmy@gmbattery.net
  • China

Pigtek Ltd / Long Distance Low Wear Pig

Long Distance Pigs are intended for use on pipes where conditions such as long distances, dry gases and abrasive debris will only cause wear and tear on traditional Pigs.

Like dual/multi-diameter pigs, long reach pigs are equipped with wheels and hitches that support and center the pig as it travels through the pipeline.

This minimizes disc wear and keeps the pig running efficiently from launch to reception..


● 3.6V Li/SOCI2 Battery

●1/2AA Middle C-Rate Type hi-temperature ER battery

Key Features

● stable high operating voltage and high capacitance

● high energy density, high stable current

● wide operating temperature rages (-30°C~+150°C)

● low self-discharge rate (annual self-discharge rate is less than 3% at +25°C)

● excellent environmental application characteristics

● stainless steel case (low magnetic resistance to environmental erosion)

Pipeline inspection gauges (PIG)

Extend Knownledges