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  • jimmy@gmbattery.net
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About the application field of ER battery?

About the application field of ER battery? Lithium-sulfur batteries are mainly used in petrochemical industries such as oil exploration, geology and deep-sea exploration, as well as marine heavy industry machinery, scientific research, military, high-temperature boilers, high-speed motors and other industries. Lithium-sulfur batteries have high performance, high reliability, and can be used in extreme environments such as high temperature (up to…

About carbon?

About carbon? There are many kinds of carbon anode materials, mainly including natural graphite, artificial graphite, hard carbon, soft carbon, carbon nanotubes, graphene, etc. 1. Natural graphite Graphite is composed of parallel carbon hexagons and is a crystal with a lamellar structure. The atoms are sp2 hybridized to form bonds, the molecular layers are connected by van der Waals force,…

About battery safety?

About battery safety? The safety of the battery is mainly controlled in several aspects: during the cell manufacturing process, during the battery pack integration process, during the storage process, during the transportation process, during the use process, during the recycling process and material extraction. The safety problems of lithium-ion battery packs can be prevented, as long as the heat dissipation…

About battery self-discharge?

About battery self-discharge? There is no connection between the electrodes, and the extremely small amount of chemical substances in the battery will also react. These internal reactions will reduce the stored charge of the battery, thereby gradually reducing the capacity of the battery. This phenomenon is called self discharge. Three main points of self-discharge: 1. After the battery is stored…

About battery energy density?

About battery energy density? The energy density of the battery is about 100~150Whkg. Energy density refers to the energy released by the battery per unit mass or unit volume, that is, volume specific energy or mass specific energy. Both energy density and power density are variable quantities. After the battery is used for many times, the energy density and power…

About aluminum plastic film material?

About aluminum plastic film material? The pouch battery is packaged with aluminum-plastic film, which is a composite material and consists of three layers: nylon layer, aluminum foil layer, and heat-sealing layer. Classification of aluminum-plastic film: aluminum foil composite film, paper-aluminum composite film, aluminum-containing composite film, non-printing composite film, pharmaceutical aluminum-plastic composite film, etc. Aluminum foil has a highly dense metal…

About ER battery type use classification?

About ER battery type use classification? High temperature batteries can be divided into three categories according to their usage: capacity type, power type and high temperature type. Capacity type and power type are ordinary type batteries, and the outer casing is packaged with aluminum-plastic film. ​ High-temperature-resistant black leather is used as the packaging material for the high-temperature battery case….