• +86 15528217589
  • jimmy@gmbattery.net
  • China

What are the benefits of using high-temperature batteries to power MWD TOOLS?

There are a few things to be aware of when handling high temperature batteries used with MWD (Measurement While Drilling) tools. Here are some considerations:

Temperature Limits: Make sure you know the upper and lower limits for battery temperature. Operating a battery outside of these limits can affect its performance, capacity and lifetime.

Storage and transportation: When storing or transporting the battery, keep a certain temperature and humidity for the battery. Extreme temperatures can damage batteries or cause accelerated self-discharge.

Ventilation: Ensure that the battery and surrounding components have adequate ventilation to dissipate heat effectively. Excessive heat can affect battery performance and safety.

Safety precautions: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and avoid exposing batteries to direct sunlight, fire, or extreme physical stress.


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