• +86 15528217589
  • jimmy@gmbattery.net
  • China

What types of data can be collected with MWD tools?

Directional measurement data: including inclination angle, azimuth angle, well depth, etc. These data can be used as basic data for directional drilling.

Formation measurement data: including wellbore pressure, shape and position, wellbore stability and other data. These data are of great significance for understanding formation conditions, guiding drilling operations, and timely discovering problems such as wellbore instability.

Sensor data: including temperature, pressure, vibration and other data. These data can provide the working status of the drill bit, and provide important data for maintaining the drill tool and improving the design of the drill bit.

 Measurement waveform data: including electronic pulse, ultrasonic and other data. These data can provide basis for downhole formation lithology, mineral composition, porosity, permeability and other measurements, and are of great value to formation exploration evaluation.


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